

Learn more about our clinic and services by reading through our FAQs. You can also follow the links below to ask us questions or prepare for your first visit with our team.

Foot pain

One of the most common foot problems is plantar fasciitis.  The Plantar fascia is a wide band of connective tissue that stretches from the heel to the ball of the [...]

Low Back Pain

Over 70% of people will experience low back pain at some point in their life. It presents as anything from mild pain and tightness to completely thrown out and its [...]

Shoulder pain

The shoulder joint allows an amazing amount of movement, at the sacrifice of stability.   A complex firing of many muscles holds the shoulder in place while moving throughout the [...]

Naturopathaaa whaaat?

Naturopathic Medicine is a system of primary health care focusing on wellness, education, and prevention by identifying the root cause. A naturopath utilizes conventional medical assessment and laboratory diagnostics combined [...]

Neck pain

Neck pain can appear suddenly after a fall, quick turn or a poor nights sleep for others it can develop slowly over time. Its symptoms include difficulty with normal neck [...]


Experienced by 90% of the population every year, headaches are a common condition with a spectrum of causes and variable symptoms. There are many structures and tissues in your head, [...]

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the training process to become an ND?2021-09-06T12:23:58+00:00
  • Naturopathic Medical training closely parallels that of medical doctors.  NDs must first complete a four year pre-med post-secondary education prior to being accepted into an accredited four-year program at an approved college of Naturopathic medicine.
  • There are seven accredited naturopathic medical colleges in North America. For a complete list, see CNPBC website.
  • During and following completion from an accredited naturopathic medical program, successful candidates must complete standardized examinations set by the North American Board of Naturopathic Examinatins (NABNE) in addition to jurisdictional licensing, set by the CNPBC in British Columbia.
  • NDs are also required to maintain their license by completing continuing education credits on a 2-year regulated cycle.
How do I confirm a Naturopathic Doctor’s qualifications?2021-09-06T12:23:40+00:00

NDs must be registered to practice in British Columbia and be an registered member with the CNPBC.  To verify that an ND is registered, review the CNPBC website or by calling the CNPBC office toll free at 1-877-611-8236.

Are NDs regulated in British Columbia?2021-09-06T12:23:16+00:00

Yes, NDs have been regulated in BC under the Health Practitioners Act (HPA) since January 2000. Naturopathic Medicine is a regulated profession within British Columbia legislation since 1936. NDs are registered and licensed by the College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia (CNPBC).

How is an ND different from a regular family physician?2021-09-06T12:22:56+00:00

NDs are trained in modalities of treatment commonly referred to as alternative medicine. Modalities that they utilize may include, but are not limited to acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, orthomolecular medicine, botanical/herbal medicine, homeopathic medicine, nutritional counseling, diet and lifestyle counseling, physical therapies, intravenous therapies.

Are NDs also Medical Doctors?2021-09-06T12:22:37+00:00

No. In British Columbia doctors must either be licensed as a Naturopathic Doctor or Medical Doctor and cannot hold licenses in both professional designations.

Are my visits to an ND covered by BC MSP?2021-09-06T12:22:19+00:00

Currently NDs are not a health care service that BC MSP covers. However, most extended health plans include naturopathic medical services, so check with your provider to confirm what your coverage may be.

What can I expect from my first visit to an ND?2021-09-06T12:21:43+00:00

During your first visit, your ND will take the time to get to know you as a whole person. In addition to gathering information and assessing the top chief complaints, your ND will look closely at past health history, gain valuable insight to other areas of the body that may be contributing to your chief concerns.

Is an ND the same as homeopath?2021-09-06T12:21:21+00:00

No, there are three major differences between an ND and a homeopath. The first is training and education. Second is regulation. Third is the treatment provided by the practitioner. Check out the BC Naturopathic Association (BCNA) website for more information.

What is a Naturopathic Doctor (ND)?2021-09-06T12:20:57+00:00

NDs are primary care health providers. They integrate standard medical assessment, history taking, medical diagnostics then approach treatment with a variety of treatment options.

What is Naturopathic Medicine2021-09-06T12:20:26+00:00

Naturopathic Medicine is a system of primary health care focusing on wellness, education, and prevention by identifying the root cause.


We are a small, well rounded, integrative team, working with you to attain your health goals.
We provide care focused on a broad range of health concerns, with the objective of educating our patients and targeting the root cause. We take pride in providing care that gives patients the confidence and tools to realize the quality of life they desire. We look forward to supporting you on your health journey!

Treatments and Services

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