Retraining strength and movement quality

The ability of our bodies to move and perform all the demands we put on it require complex co-ordination of our muscles.  This is developed as we grow from a newborn to an adult, becoming effortless after we are only a few years old.  Over time the effects of injury, poor posture or ergonomics, surgery, stress, inactivity or overuse can cause a small change or imbalance in the amazing coordination required for movements like walking or running. This may go unnoticed initially, but over time its effects become more and more profound. An injured muscle can lose strength or stop firing all together changing the stresses on the surrounding joints, muscles and other tissues, which affects the firing of surrounding muscles.

Rehabilitative exercises follow a very specific course often starting by restoring the normal activity of that affected muscle, balancing joint stresses and progressively improving the coordination of a larger movement.

  • Specific Muscle Strengthening

  • Improved Body awareness

  • Training Coordination

  • Injury prevention strategies

Rehabilitation exercises are very specific to a condition and to the person experiencing that condition. It takes a qualified health care provider to make an accurate diagnosis to guide the rehabilitative process. The description above should not act in anyway as a guide to rehab. If you feel you have a condition or injury that requires rehabilitative exercises you should consult with your family doctor or chiropractor.